Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm Back!

Hello all!
So its been a while (sorry Lindsay!!!) but I am back and blogging. Since I've last posted the terms have changed, Thanksgiving has come and gone, and new classses have started up. Oh and I have also passed the first term for Ambassadors. The second term looks to be more riggorous but I'm still feeling confident about my chances :) I also have a 4.0 GPA after last term, so I'm feeling pretty good about this whole college thing!

The weather has been...well...Erie-like ever since December rolled around. I'm accustomed to the snow and cold being only an hour away from here but I never had imagined the wind that comes off the lake! But the campus does look lovely in the winter when it isn't snowing sideways. Its really a pretty picture.

Speaking of pictures, here are some of my friends and I last weekend:

Christmas Tree outside of the Union

Cookie Icing!

Gingerbread house!
It was a pretty great time. Not sure what we all have planned for this coming weekend but I'm sure something will happen. Until then thanks for reading!



  1. Brendan, no need to say sorry silly! You're a great blogger and you're providing a great picture of life as a freshman here at the 'Hurst!!

  2. Hey, I'm looking into going into Intel next year at Mercyhurst. What's your course load like? Are the classes really hands on or more discussion? Do you like in the new residence hall? Is it nice? Thanks!
