Saturday, October 23, 2010

2:40 AM Saturday

When story starts that late (well technically early I guess) it has to be interesting.
So my roommate and I had been up late and by the time 2 AM rolled around we both decided to call it a night. I was in that place somewhere in between sleep and awake when I heard an alarm from somewhere. I looked at my phone thinking it was my alarm I had just set for tomorrow morning and, seeing that it was not the source, realized it was the fire alarm from outside. Neither of us were totally aware of what was going on before a vicious pounding came from the other side of our door followed by our RA, Ashely, shouting:

"GET THE [expletive] UP! THIS ISN'T A DRILL!!!"

If you don't already know what goes in the brackets, ask your parents.

So I managed to find my pants, shoes, and phone in the dark as we were all orderly hurried out of the building. As we descended the stairs, the overwhelming aroma of burnt popcorn filled the stairwell. As the entire population of Warde Hall stood in the parking lot with only pajamas to hold off the cold Erie wind we all thought the same thing:

What idiot makes/burns microwave popcorn at almost THREE IN THE MORNING?!?!

Here are some images of the early morning's events:

Of course, the fire department eventually came to take care of the microwave and we all got to head back in some 20 minutes later. When i reached in my pocket to find my room key, I realized I had forgotten it on the way out. All I had in my pocket was the paper from my fortune cookie that I got with our Chinese take out earlier. It stated:

"You will make many changes before settling satisfactorily"

When I opened it at dinner it didn't make a lot of sense but by the time I got back in my room this morning it somewhat did. I had changed from sleepy, warm, and comfortable in my quiet room to the exciting, cold, uncomfortable and noisy parking lot before I could finally get to sleep that night. At the time the irony was too much for my tired mind but in retrospect it was pretty funny! At least I got a blog post out of it :P

Thanks for reading!

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